Possession day
On possession day you should check the house for problems or damages that may have occurred since the home inspection. Things may have been accidentally damaged or may have broken or stopped working since the home inspection. It is important to document these issues and have them fixed as soon as possible.
When inspecting the home, pay close attention to all the major systems, such as plumbing, heating/air conditioning, and electrical. Test all appliances to be sure they are in working order and that none of the rooms show signs of water damage or mold. Check for any structural damage that may have occurred since the home inspection, such as cracks in the walls or ceilings.
In addition to checking for structural issues, it is also important to check for any pests or infestations. Even if you had a pest inspection prior to buying the house, there could still be issues that were overlooked. Make sure to do a thorough search of the home and yard for signs of any insects or rodents.
Sellers Responsibility
The seller is responsible for any new damages or broken items. It is important to document these issues and have them fixed as soon as possible. Take pictures or videos of any problems so that you have evidence of the condition when possession day arrives.
By taking the time to inspect the home on possession day, you can ensure that everything is in good working order and that any damages or pests are taken care of. This will help make sure your new home is safe and comfortable for you and your family.
Document any issues
Lastly, document all problems that you find on possession day and report them to your real estate agent immediately so they can be addressed promptly before they become bigger issues.
Good luck and happy moving!
Click here for more information about home inspections