What is a GFCI Plug?

A ground fault circuit interrupter or GFCI plug can help prevent electrocution. If a person’s body starts to receive a shock, the GFCI senses this and cuts off the power before he/she can get injured. GFCIs are generally installed where electrical circuits may accidentally come into contact with water.

Why do I need to test it?

Testing your GFCI plug is important to ensure that it’s working properly and providing the necessary protection from electric shock. Any unusual behavior from the plug, such as flickering lights or sparks coming from an outlet, testing should be done immediately.

What happens if I don’t test my GFCI Plug?

If you don’t regularly test your GFCI Plug, then it won’t be able to provide adequate protection when necessary. This could potentially lead to electric shock in your home.

How Often Should I test it?

Test all your GFCI plugs at least every month to ensure they’re functioning properly. If the environment or location of your outlets is damp, dusty, or otherwise hazardous, more frequent testing may be necessary.

How do I test it?

There are a couple of basic ways to test a GFCI

Method 1:

  • First, locate and press the TEST button with your finger. It should make a loud click sound as the outlet connection trips, cutting the power off.
  •  Confirm that the power is cut off by plugging a lamp into each plug. The lamp should not turn on.
  • Once you have confirmed the GFCI has tripped successfully, press the RESET button to restore power to the outlet.

Method 2:

  • Insert a GFCI tester into the GFCI plugin (the lights on the tester should be on)
  • Push the test button on the tester, not the plugin
  • It should make a loud click sound as the outlet connection trips, cutting the power off.
  • Once you have confirmed the GFCI has tripped successfully, remove the tester and press the RESET button to restore power to the outlet.

It is important to test the GFCI plugs in these areas often, as they are prone to moisture and dust which can damage or interfere with their functionality. Regular testing will help make sure that your plug is able to provide the necessary protection from electric shock and potential fire hazards.

Stay safe by regularly testing your GFCI Plug!

Testers are available from Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot or Canadian Tire

Click here for more information about home inspections

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