Your home should feel like the safest place in the world, but is it as secure as you think? Difficult though it is to hear, many properties lack security against crime and inclement weather. To make your home safer, consider the following:

Install a Security System

According to Statistics, larceny-theft accounts for more than 4 million of U.S. property crimes. However, a security system can make your home less of a target. Criminals usually avoid houses with obvious cameras since there are easier pickings, and should a thief be foolish enough to try, camera footage becomes valuable evidence. A comprehensive home security system also offers the following benefits:

  • Monitor children and pets
  • Get quick assistance during a medical emergency
  • Increase property value
  • Decrease insurance rates

In general a security system will make your home safer.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Getting to know the people in your neighborhood may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “home security,” but a good relationship with neighbors can help your family stay safe. Knowing who lives nearby can help you spot people who may be casing houses, and regularly speaking with neighbors passes along helpful information, such as the presence of wild animals that may attack pets. You can also ask neighbors you know well to look after your house when you go on vacation.

Meeting your neighbors isn’t always easy, especially if your community is filled with busy professionals. However, you can create opportunities for connection:

  • Volunteer in your community
  • Go on walks around the neighborhood
  • Start conversations when possible
  • Host a block party
  • Make friends with the parents of your kids’ friends

Keep Your Home Office Cool

Dehydration and heatstroke are serious concerns when temperatures rise, so take steps to keep your home office cool:

  • Close the blinds against direct sunlight
  • Get weather stripping for doors and windows
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs
  • Get a standing fan

Create a Fire Plan

Every family should have a fire plan to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency. To create one, identify all the exits and decide on a meeting place at a safe distance from the house. Practice using the escape routes in a calm and orderly fashion. You should also take this opportunity to teach kids basic fire safety:

  • Using stop, drop and roll
  • Testing doorknobs with the backs of their hands
  • Staying low to the ground to avoid smoke

Purchase a Generator

Extreme temperatures and intense storms can make the power grid less than reliable. A whole-home standby generator takes over when this happens, supplying electricity for major appliances and systems:

  • Refrigerators and freezers
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Medical equipment
  • Lights

In addition to keeping your family comfortable in extreme temperatures, generators can help you preserve and cook food, which are vital if you’re stuck at home indefinitely.

Get a Home Inspection

Before purchasing a home, get a home inspection. Home inspections evaluate several critical operating systems:

  • Carbon monoxide and fire alarms
  • Heating and cooling system
  • Electrical wiring
  • Safety Issues
  • And More

If there’s an issue with something, you can request the issue be resolved as part of the buying agreement or look for another property. Either way, you keep your family safe and avoid paying for massive repairs.

A secure home means peace of mind for your family. With the above steps, you can make your home safer, protect your investment and focus on what matters most.

Image via Pexels

Click here to learn more about home inspections.

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