How old is your Furnace?
Knowing the furnace age is important for a few reasons. First, it’s good to know how long you can expect the unit to last. Second, if you plan on selling your home, the age of your furnace could affect its resale value. Finally, older equipment may need more frequent repairs or maintenance due to normal wear and tear over time.
In general, most furnaces have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years depending on several factors such as quality, usage, and maintenance habits. Some furnaces will run longer but will require some repairs along the way.
How to find it
To find out how old yours is, there are two methods you can use: checking the manufacturer’s data plate or examining the serial number.
The first step is locating the manufacturer’s data plate. This will usually be found on the interior of the unit, either on the side or bottom panel. On older units, it may even be attached to a wall near the furnace. The data plate should include information such as model, serial and manufacturing date.
The second method is examining the serial number itself. Serial numbers are unique identifiers that identify specific furnaces within their brand line. These typically consist of 10-12 characters made up of letters and numbers; for example F1C3N8JA9099.
Sometimes it’s difficult to decipher when your furnace was made just by looking at its serial number, so you might need assistance from an HVAC specialist or manufacturer representative if you’re having difficulty. Or check the Building Intelligence Centre
No matter what method you use, knowing the age of your furnace is a simple way to help you determine its remaining usable life and potential value. Knowing how old your furnace also allows you to plan for any necessary repairs or replacements in advance.
Ultimately, understanding the age of your furnace can help ensure it’s running efficiently and safely so you can enjoy the reliable heating performance for years to come. If you have any questions about determining the age of your unit, contact a trusted HVAC professional for assistance!
Your insurance company may ask this when you get insurance. Knowing the age of the furnace may help you get more competitive rates. Finding out how old your furnace is will also be important information when it comes to repairs and maintenance, as older equipment may require more frequent upkeep due to normal wear and tear.
So if you’re not sure how old your unit is, take a few moments to do some research and find out! Knowing the age of your furnace can benefit you in many ways, so make sure you have this information on hand for whenever you need it. You won’t regret taking the time to figure it out!
Home Inspection report
The home inspector will usually include the age of the furnace in the inspection report for you. If you can’t find it call or email your home inspector.
So don’t wait – take the time now to find out how old your unit is and keep it running efficiently and safely. Your furnace is an important part of your home, so make sure you have all of the information needed to care for it properly. Good luck!
Click here for more information about home inspections
Check the Building Intelligence Centre for your furnace age